

MA090 Principles of Math

3 Credit Hours

This course deals with the basic foundations of mathematics. Students will become equipped with a solid appreciation for the mathematical tools required to solve more complex mathematical operations. This course would benefit any student who needs help in understanding basic math skills in order to pass a placement test or a course, to obtain a specific job, or review and improve basic mathematical/computational skills. Lessons will focus on whole numbers, fractions and decimals, as well as using percent, ratios, proportions, and the application of these concepts. The course will also introduce some of the fundamentals of algebra, statistics and geometry.

2025 Spring Term

Section: A
Course Format: General Education Seats Available: 17/20
Type Location Dates Time Meeting Days Instructor
In-Person JEC J004 01/13/25 - 05/14/25 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM M W Paul Cassity
Type In-Person
Location JEC J004
Dates 01/13/25 - 05/14/25
Times 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM
Meeting Days M W
Instructor Paul Cassity